Fighting climate change, one tree at a time…
Creating Tomorrow’s Forests plant trees in the UK to fight climate change and restore biodiversity.
Sister company, Tomorrow’s Forests was founded 6 years ago has now planted over 8 million trees here in the UK. Creating Tomorrow’s Forests began in the summer of 2020 to enable businesses and individuals to do their bit for the planet and plant trees. Their approach is based on ecologically friendly methods, looking at individual sites, surveying the land to decide what should naturally be growing there, and implementing the planting programme with native trees.
Rest assured, they won’t just be filling every square inch with trees - they are creating more natural, diverse landscapes, with trees, shrubs and wildflowers. They also create wildflower meadow patches, dig ponds, plant aquatic marginal plants and build hibernacula (insect & reptile homes) thus creating complete ecosystem habitats.
The Lionheart Tales is proud to be supporting Creating Tomorrow’s Forests in their efforts and are donating 1% of all sales via our website to plant UK trees.
For more information on Creating Tomorrow’s Forests, you can visit their website: www.creatingtomorrowsforests.co.uk